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Blue Hydrogen, Ammonia and Methanol

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Hydrogen production will scale up by several orders of magnitude in the coming decades. Blue hydrogen will be produced using CCS retrofits to existing steam methane reformers and new on-purpose blue hydrogen plants will be built. Many will convert the blue hydrogen to blue ammonia or methanol to enable international trade of these low-carbon energy vectors.

This course will explain how thermochemical hydrogen production technologies such as SMR, ATR, GHR and POx fit with integrated carbon capture. The optimum technologies for on-purpose blue hydrogen production are different to those that have been favoured for grey hydrogen.

Value stacking to profitably utilise the available process streams is key to competitive success in the international energy market. Up to date project case studies will be used to provide real life examples. Ammonia synthesis technologies will be within the scope of this training also.

Using the right technologies can mean the difference between a good and an excellent project –profit margins, energy efficiency and return on capital are at stake. If you are investing in the hydrogen economy or considering technologies to implement, a review of the options will be essential. This course will provide some insights support that.

This course includes:

  • An engaging virtual training session lasting approximately three hours

  • Interactive format with dedicated Q&A sections with the expert trainer

  • Flexible access from modern mobile and desktop devices

  • A certificate of attendance on completion of the session


Each session includes dedicated Q&A sections throughout.

  • Hydrogen production from SMR/ATR/POX plus CCS

  • Hydrogen, syngas and steam requirements and the implications for technology selection

  • Hydrogen and CCS CO2 pipeline pressure implications for technology selection

  • Technologies for ammonia and methanol synthesis

  • On-purpose blue hydrogen, ammonia, and methanol projects for international trade

  • Grey to blue CO2 capture retrofits

  • Value stacking and integration of low-carbon power generation and energy storage

Meet the trainer

Stephen B. Harrison is the founder and managing director at sbh4 GmbH in Germany. His work focuses on decarbonisation. Hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives such as ammonia and methanol are fundamental pillars of his consulting practice. Stephen’s hands-on expertise extends to the full length of the value chain from production, purification, distribution, and storage through to utilisation of these green energy vectors.

With a background in industrial gases, including 27 years at BOC Gases, The BOC Group and Linde Gas, Stephen has intimate knowledge of hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives from commercial, technical, operational and safety perspectives. Stephen served 14 years as a global business leader in these FTSE100 and DAX30 companies and had the opportunity to interact with people, businesses, and operations around the world.

4 July

SAF: Hydrogen and Derivatives as Aviation Fuels

18 July

Turquoise Hydrogen from Natural Gas and Biomethane