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Underground Hydrogen Storage

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When hydrogen replaces natural gas for heating, the demand profile will be highly seasonal according to how warm or cold the weather is. Hydrogen production from hydroelectric power can also be highly seasonal according to how much rainfall or snowmelt is entering the river system. High-capacity storage is required to ensure cost-effective hydrogen production or utilisation in seasonal situations. Underground hydrogen storage in man-made salt caverns is one of the most cost-effective solutions, where the underground geography permits. Other high-capacity storage options exist.

This course will cover some of the high-capacity storage options and explain in which situations each may be suitable. The seasonality of some production and use-cases will also be covered to underline the importance of high-capacity hydrogen storage.

If you are investing in hydrogen value chains or considering the most appropriate technologies to implement for your projects, this course will provide insights to support your decision making. Future operators and owners of high-capacity underground hydrogen storage will also gain exposure to the technique.

This course includes:

  • An engaging virtual training session lasting approximately three hours

  • Interactive format with dedicated Q&A sections with the expert trainer

  • Flexible access from modern mobile and desktop devices

  • A certificate of attendance on completion of the session


Attend live or watch the recordings. Each session includes dedicated Q&A sections throughout.

  • Hydrogen as an energy storage medium

  • The need for UHS as energy storage in a ‘renewables-led‘ future

  • Underground hydrogen storage technology options

  • Hydro-electric power with UHS

  • Blue hydrogen integration with UHS

  • Economic and operational considerations for UHS

  • UGS or UHS: Underground storage of hydrogen or methane?

  • International UGS and UHS experience and plans

Meet the trainer

Stephen harrison bw.jpg

Stephen B. Harrison is the founder and managing director at sbh4 GmbH in Germany. His work focuses on decarbonisation and hydrogen is a fundamental pillar of his consulting practice. Stephen’s hands-on hydrogen expertise extends to the full length of the value chain from production, purification, distribution, and storage through to utilisation.

With a background in industrial gases, including 27 years at BOC Gases, The BOC Group and Linde Gas, Stephen has intimate knowledge of hydrogen from commercial, technical, operational and safety perspectives. Stephen served 14 years as a global business leader in these FTSE100 and DAX30 companies and had the opportunity to interact with people, businesses, and operations around the world.

What Attendees Are Saying

The best part of the training was the level of engagement from the trainer; he was very clear in his explanations and was taking the time to answer all queries from trainees.
— Engineering Project Manager, SBM Offshore
Slides were informative, good delivery from the trainer, and technology worked well. Good idea to space it out over three days as it was less disruptive.
— Managing Director, Low Carbon
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