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Time zones:
13:00 - 15:00 Greenwich Mean Time
14:00 - 16:00 Central European Time
The European Hydrogen Intelligence Service is a quarterly 2 hour, live analyst presentation and interactive Q&A session covering the key projects, policy changes and analysis of key market sectors.
Why is it important?
Hydrogen has the potential to become one of the global economy’s largest commodities. Europe, led by strong political support from the EC Commission is looking to replace natural gas with hydrogen as it seeks to decarbonise to net zero by 2050. Given the high percentage of natural gas that is currently imported into the continent, what happens in Europe can have a dramatic impact on the global production for hydrogen.
What is the background to hydrogen in Europe?
The EC Commission has given strong support to the migration to clean hydrogen ultimately from green hydrogen. Most of the EU countries have announced their National Hydrogen strategies and there is some variability in individual pathways especially in terms of blending with natural gas and incentives for demand from specific industries. There is however considerable scope and indeed requirement for cross border supply from both the sunny south and windy North Sea for green hydrogen. There are also fast developing plans for a wide network of supply from outside of Europe from North Africa, Russia, the Middle East and possibly even Australia.
Meet the Analyst
Travis is an Associate Director with the Energy Transition, Sustainability and Services (ETSS) team at S&P Global Commodity Insights. Travis has deep experience in the renewable energy and energy transition sector in both consulting and market research as well as at solar and wind developers across the world. He is thus highly experienced solar, wind, and other forms of renewable energy development as well as financial and value chain analysis. He also has significant experience in wholesale power market price forecasting. From his time working at solar and wind developers he has experienced all stages of the project development process, from origination activities, obtaining grid and permitting rights, securing finance, reaching operation, and engaging in M&A of operational assets.
Prior to S&P Global, Travis worked at WoodMackenzie and Bloomberg New Energy Finance in the research consulting space as well as SunEdison, Pattern Energy, and Eco Energy World in the renewable project development space.
Travis holds an MSc in Sustainable Development from University College London and a joint MBA from Columbia Business School and London Business School.