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World Hydrogen Asia

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Japan is one of the pioneers of the hydrogen transition with the first basic strategy being published in 2017. South Korea followed closely behind uncovering its roadmap to developing a hydrogen society with a solid focus on transport. China is the largest hydrogen producer in the world and is also focusing on hydrogen to decarbonise transportation with Wuhan being styled as a hydrogen city. Singapore and India are also building interest so there is definitely an electrifying momentum across the continent as the hydrogen potential develops. 

Event Recordings & Presentation Slides


We were joined for an in-depth investigation into the Asian hydrogen market through panel discussions, case studies and presentations.

Listen to industry experts, project developers, technology specialists and government officials to debate what the future could look like for hydrogen in Asia.

Purchase the event recordings & presentation slides.

Platinum Sponsors

Black & Veatch

A zero-carbon fuel that emits only water, hydrogen’s role in the drive for sustainability can be accelerated by using or adapting significant parts of existing infrastructure to employ hydrogen as a fuel source. This substitution effect means Black & Veatch is already positioned for and delivering progress today across green hydrogen for power generation and storage, advanced transportation and fuel-cell technology, and as a feedstock for green chemicals, as well as the processing of blue hydrogen with carbon capture technology.

K&L Gates

K&L Gates is one of the largest law firms in the world, fully integrated with 45 offices across five continents, located in key capital cities and world commercial and financial centers. With the combined experience of more than 1,800 lawyers, our global reach extends beyond our office locations to areas such as Africa, India, and Latin America.



Carsten Schmitt

CEO thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers Japan


Yatin Premchand

Managing Director
Black & Veatch


Linda Wright

Chief Executive Officer
New Zealand Hydrogen Council


Namiko Murayaman

Group Manager of Green Hydrogen thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers Japan


Stephen B. Harrison

sbh4 consulting


Dana Novakovic

LBC Energy Advisory


Lian Tan

K&L Gates


David Grabau

Senior Investment Specialist Austrade


Itsuka Ogawa

Senior Inward Investment Advisor Department for International Trade Japan


Dhiraj K. Mahajan

Associate Professor
Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar


Yong Por



Hack Heyward

China Hydrogen Intelligence Expert
World Hydrogen Leaders


Mathieu Geze

Vice President Asia
HDF Energy


Kelly Davies

K&L Gates


Shigeru Muraki

Representative Director
Clean Fuel Ammonia Association


Runeel Daliah

Senior Analyst Hydrogen & CCUS
Lux Research


Eric Sedlak

K&L Gates


View the event recordings & presentations to see the below panels and presentations.

07:00 CEST - 13:00 PRC/SGT - 14:00 JST/KST - 15:00 AEST

Presentation - APAC Hydrogen Markets: Outlook & Opportunities

  • Analysing the state of play in key Asia Pacific hydrogen markets

  • Comparing and contrasting regulatory frameworks for production technologies

  • Exploring standardization and certification schemes

  • What lessons can be learned from Europe and the US to accelerate national and regional hydrogen markets?

Kelly Davies, Partner, K&L Gates
Lian Tan, Partner, K&L Gates
Eric Sedlak, Partner, K&L Gates

07:40 CEST - 13:40 PRC/SGT - 14:40 JST/KST - 15:40 AEST

Panel - Building an Asian Hydrogen Economy: Strategic Partnerships and Value Chains

  • Envisaging a future APAC hydrogen economy: mapping out international supply chains

  • Assessing possible production locations, demand centres and trade scenarios

  • Understanding national interests and objectives to identify where foreign support is needed

  • Debating the need and potential for domestic production to improve energy security

  • Exploring existing transnational partnerships and how they are building the Asian hydrogen market

  • What can countries, governments and corporations do to foster international cooperation and build a regional hydrogen economy?

Kelly Davies, Partner, K&L Gates
David Grabau, Senior Investment Specialist, Austrade
Itsuka Ogawa, Senior Inward Investment Advisor, Department for International Trade Japan
Linda Wright, Chief Executive Officer, New Zealand Hydrogen Council

08:40 CEST - 14:40 PRC/SGT - 15:40 JST/KST - 16:40 AEST

Presentation - Building an Asia Pacific Business Case for Green Hydrogen

  • Overcoming limited renewables infrastructure in order to develop large-scale green hydrogen

  • Exploring a case study of green hydrogen production in Japan

  • Discovering how to sell the business cases for green ammonia and hydrogen

Carsten Schmitt, CEO, thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers Japan
Namiko Murayaman, Group Manager of Green Hydrogen, thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers Japan

09:15 CEST - 15:15 PRC/SGT - 16:15 JST/KST - 17:15 AEST

Virtual Networking

09:30 CEST - 15:30 PRC/SGT - 16:30 JST/KST - 17:30 AEST

Case Study - Hydrogen from Hydro Power: High Potential in Pakistan

  • Exploring a study on renewable hydrogen deployment in Pakistan on behalf of the Asian Development Bank in collaboration with the Government of Pakistan

  • Understanding Pakistan’s abundant hydropower resource for hydrogen production

  • Leveraging salt plateaus for seasonal storage

  • Examining the importance of localized national hydrogen deployment strategies

Stephen B. Harrison, Consultant, sbh4 consulting

10:00 CEST - 16:00 PRC/SGT - 17:00 JST/KST - 18:00 AEST

Presentation - The Many Colours of Hydrogen: Applications in Asia Pacific

  • Exploring the myriad of hydrogen colours to identify the most sustainable economic project developments in the Asia Pacific region

  • Discovering regional case studies and engineering projects

  • Understanding market development requirements and challenges in Asia

  • The role of engineering, procurement and construction communities in overcoming these scale-up and access hurdles

Yatin Premchand, Managing Director, Black & Veatch

10:30 CEST - 16:30 PRC/SGT - 17:30 JST/KST - 18:30 AEST

Panel Debate - Project Finance, Market-readiness and Hydrogen Economics in APAC

  • Exploring Asia’s priority end-use applications and consumer appetite for hydrogen

  • Building the infrastructure required to store and transport hydrogen to consumers over land and sea

  • Evaluating the economics obstacles, opportunities and predictions for Asian hydrogen markets

  • Implementing ammonia fuel into the hydrogen value chain

  • How is hydrogen project finance being prioritised and secured?

  • What can projects do to ensure bankability?

Runeel Daliah, Senior Analyst Hydrogen & CCUS, Lux Research
Shigeru Muraki, Representative Director, Clean Fuel Ammonia Association
Mathieu Geze, Vice President Asia, HDF Energy
Alicia Eastman, Co-Founder & Managing Director, InterContinental Energy
Yong Por, Analyst, IEEFA

11:30 CEST - 17:30 PRC/SGT - 18:30 JST/KST - 19:30 AEST

Presentation - Green Hydrogen & Synthetic Fuels: Market Trends & Opportunities in China

  • Examining major players in China’s green hydrogen market

  • Revealing projections for hydrogen consumption in the nation

  • Case study - Baofeng Energy: Synthetic fuel production

  • Case study - Longi Solar: Green hydrogen production

Hack Heyward, China Hydrogen Intelligence Expert, World Hydrogen Leaders

12:00 CEST - 18:00 PRC/SGT - 19:00 JST/KST - 20:00 AEST

Case Studies - Spotlight on Asia’s Hydrogen Mobility Sector

Two national case studies showcasing hydrogen vehicles markets, followed by Q&A:

India’s FCEVs: From Two-Wheelers to Intercity Buses

Dhiraj K. Mahajan, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar

Japanese Technologies Driving Investments in Hydrogen

Dana Novakovic, CEO, LBC Energy Advisory

12:30 CEST - 18:30 PRC/SGT - 19:30 JST/KST - 20:30 AEST

End of Conference

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28 April

World Hydrogen Large-Scale Electrolysis

26 May

World Hydrogen Blue, CCS & Turquoise