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World Hydrogen Chile

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Hydrogen is exploding in Chile! The South American nation is well and truly on its way to building a hydrogen society with more than 20 pilot projects already being considered. The nation hopes to take advantage of its unexploited solar and wind capacity with the potential to produce 35 million tonnes per year of green hydrogen by 2050. Although Chile might have higher costs in exports due to the location it could be amongst the world’s cheapest export. It is even looking into hydrogen explosives!

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Platinum Sponsor

Black & Veatch

A zero-carbon fuel that emits only water, hydrogen’s role in the drive for sustainability can be accelerated by using or adapting significant parts of existing infrastructure to employ hydrogen as a fuel source. This substitution effect means Black & Veatch is already positioned for and delivering progress today across green hydrogen for power generation and storage, advanced transportation and fuel-cell technology, and as a feedstock for green chemicals, as well as the processing of blue hydrogen with carbon capture technology.

In Partnership with

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Jose Munoz bw.jpg

Jose Muñoz

Green Hydrogen Team Lead
Ministry of Energy Chile

Rainer Schröer bw.jpg

Rainer Schröer

Director of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program
GIZ Chile

M Cervo BW.jpg

Massimiliano Cervo

Director Business Development
H2 Helium

Donny Holaschutz.jpeg

Donny Holaschutz

Energy and Sustainability Consultant

Natalia Castilhos Rypl - Headshot bw.jpg

Natalia Castilhos Rypl

Clean Energy Analyst

José Antonio Muñoz Salvo.png

José Antonio Muñoz

Senior Executive Technical Department of Fuel Systems
Chilean Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels (SEC)

Allard Castelein bw.jpg

Allard Castelein

Port of Rotterdam

Asuncion Borras bw.jpg

Asunción Borrás

Senior Vice President Business Development Hydrogen

Clara Bowman bw.jpg

Clara Bowman

General Manager
Andes Mining and Energy (AME)

Jonathan Cristiani bw.jpg

Jonathan Cristiani

Advanced Power Fuels Engineer
Black & Veatch

Antonio Pinheiro Silveira bw PNG.png

Antonio Silveira

Vice President of Infrastructure

Hans Kulenkampff bw.jpg

Hans Kulenkampff

H2 Chile

Ana Maria Ruz bw.jpg

Ana María Ruz Frias

Green Hydrogen Specialist
Chilean Economical Development Agency - Corfo

Rodrigo lobos.jpg

Rodrigo Lobos

Senior Business Developer Green Hydrogen
Enel Green Power

Pablo Tello.png

Pablo Tello

Technical Advisor, Decarbonization Project
GIZ Chile

Oscar Falcon bw.jpg

Oscar Falcon

Senior Vice President and Managing Director Power - Latin America
Black & Veatch


View the event recordings & presentations to see the below panels and presentations.

14:00 CEST / 08:00 CLT

Presentation: Green Hydrogen Value Chain Project Developments for Multiple End-Use Applications

  • Assessing the feasibility of green and blue hydrogen energy storage projects

  • Overcoming costs and challenges associated with hydrogen storage and transportation

  • Case studies for US projects and implications for Chile's hydrogen economy

Oscar Falcon, Senior Vice President and Managing Director Power - Latin America, Black & Veatch
Jonathan Cristiani, Advanced Power Fuels Engineer, Black & Veatch

14:30 CEST / 08:30 CLT

Panel: Building a Chilean Hydrogen Economy: From Domestic to International Markets

  • Envisaging a future Chilean hydrogen economy and putting the National Hydrogen Strategy into action

  • Understanding national interests and objectives: where is foreign support needed?

  • Aligning supply chains with domestic and international demand

  • Discovering the trade opportunities for exporting hydrogen

  • Exploring how international partnerships are influencing Chile’s future hydrogen market

Ana María Ruz Frias, Green Hydrogen Specialist, Chilean Economical Development Agency - Corfo
Allard Castelein, CEO, Port of Rotterdam
Hans Kulenkampff, President, H2 Chile
Rainer Schröer, Director of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program, GIZ Chile
Jose Muñoz, Green Hydrogen Team Lead, Ministry of Energy Chile

15:30 CEST / 09:30 CLT

Virtual Networking

15:45 CEST / 09:45 CLT

Presentation: A Decentralised Hydrogen System: Towards a Local/Community-Centered Approach

  • Evaluating the benefits of a decentralized hydrogen economy model

  • How can smaller players get involved? Local companies, local production and local consumption

  • Is big really better? The 1 MW vs 1 GW electrolyser debate

Pablo Tello, Decarbonisation Project Advisor, GIZ Chile

16:10 CEST / 10:10 CLT

Panel Debate: Getting Projects Off the Ground: Finance, Regulations and Offtakers

  • How is hydrogen project finance being prioritised and secured?

  • Attracting investors and ensuring bankability: interest rates, contract lengths, and more

  • Exploring Chile’s priority end-use applications and offtake sectors

  • What infrastructure is needed to deliver hydrogen to these sectors?

  • Understanding current regulatory status: Why project development is already underway

Massimiliano Cervo, Massimiliano Cervo, Director Business Development, H2 Helium
Antonio Silveira, Vice President of Infrastructure, CAF
Donny Holaschutz, Energy and Sustainability Consultant, inodú
José Antonio Muñoz, Senior Executive Technical Department of Fuel Systems, Chilean Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels (SEC)

17:00 CEST / 11:00 CLT

Case Study: Atacama Desert - A Green Hydrogen Hub for Mining

  • Understanding Chile’s focus on green hydrogen for its vast mining sector

  • Revealing current and future national demand projections

  • Designing a green mining facility: costs and technological considerations

  • Exploring existing market barriers for a green mining transition and possible solutions

Asunción Borrás, Senior Vice President Business Development Hydrogen, Engie

17:20 CEST / 11:20 CLT

Case Study: Magallanes – A Green Hydrogen Hub for Southern Chile?

  • Leveraging Magallanes standout wind resource to produce hydrogen

  • Potential for clean energy industrial hub (green fuels, steel, cement)

  • Discovering the status of initial pilot projects

  • Attracting foreign investment to scale up regional capacity and unlock its potential

Clara Bowman, General Manager, Andes Mining and Energy (AME)
Rodrigo Lobos, Senior Business Developer Green Hydrogen, Enel Green Power

18:00 CEST / 12:00 CLT

Presentation: Chile – A Green Hydrogen Powerhouse? Outlook & Opportunities

  • Framing the Chilean National Hydrogen Strategy: key priorities, milestones and progress

  • Discovering where the short and long-term opportunities lie

  • Exploring immediate challenges to be overcome

Natalia Castilhos Rypl, Clean Energy Analyst, BloombergNEF

18:30 CEST / 12:30 CLT

End of conference

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