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World Hydrogen France

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France’s ambitious Hydrogen Strategy focuses on three priorities; industry, transport and research. With public support funding at €7 billion, the highest 2030 electrolyser capacity target in Europe and a focus on removing current regulatory obstacles and financial barriers, it is a very exciting time for hydrogen in France.

Join industry leaders, stakeholders and regulators across the value chain at World Hydrogen France to discuss and debate how these impressive targets will be met through a series of case studies, interactive panel discussions and networking sessions.

Meet the Experts


Alice Vieillefosse

Cabinet Director, General Directorate of Energy & Climate


Philippe Boucly

President, France Hydrogène


Thierry Lepercq

Founder, Soladvent


Thierry Trouve



Bart Biebuyck

Executive Director,


Ludovic Laffineur

Policy Manager,
Hydrogen Europe


Sylvie Perrin

La Plateforme Verte


Mikaa Mered

Adjunct Lecturer on Hydrogen Markets and Geopolitics, HEC Paris


Mathilde Cadic

Policy Officer, Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes


Astrid Behaghel

Energy transition Expert, BNP Paribas


Xavier d’Hubert

SR Consultant,


Sandra Combet

Director New Energies,
AFKL Group


Frédéric Badina

Deputy Delegate for Exploitation Gas Natural Network Distribution, North of France, GRDF


Jean-Marc Leroy

Senior Vice President, Infrastructure, Engie


Marie Godard Pithon

Performance and Investment Director, Vicat Groupe


Olivier Menuet

Senior Vice President,


Cecilia Fouvry-Renzi

Director H2 Energy, Cluster South-West Europe, Air Liquide


Blandine Landfried

Hydrogen Energy Project Manager, Groupe ADP


Attend live or watch the recording. All timings are in the Central European Time zone (CET). Timings are subject to change.

09.00 - 09.20: 6.5 GW of hydrogen capacity by 2030: Focusing on France’s hydrogen strategy and activity for the years ahead  

  • Outlining the key milestones that France must meet this year to succeed in the long-term

  • Highlighting the current and future regulatory landscape for hydrogen

  • Debating energy’s role in building a ‘carbon free’ hydrogen economy

  • Investing in research 2021

  • Working collaboratively with the European Commission and across the globe

09.20 - 09.30: Q&A

Alice Vieillefosse, Cabinet Director – General Directorate of Energy & Climate

09.35 - 10.45: Keynote Panel: France; the race to becoming the first major low-carbon economy in Europe

  • Building effective business models that work for hydrogen

  • Incorporating sector coupling to accelerate the transition

  • Discussing strategies to achieve the highest electrolyser capacity in Europe

  • Debating nuclear energy and hydrogen

Moderator: Sylvie Perrin, Director, La Plateforme Verte
Philippe Boucly, President, France Hydrogène
Thierry Lepercq, Founder, Soladvent
Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director, FCH JU
Astrid Behaghel, Energy transition Expert, BNP Paribas
Thierry Trouve, CEO, GRTgaz

10.45 - 10.55: Morning Break

10.55 - 11.05: An insight into regional strategies in France

Mikaa Mered, Adjunct Lecturer on Hydrogen Markets and Geopolitics, HEC Paris

11.05 - 11.25: Case study: Zero Emissions Valleys

Mathilde Cadic, Policy Officer, Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

11.25 - 11.45: Case study: GRHYD

Frédéric Badina, Deputy Delegate for Exploitation Gas Natural Network Distribution, North of France, GRDF

11.45 - 12.05: Case study Q&A

Moderator: Mikaa Mered, Adjunct Lecturer on Hydrogen Markets and Geopolitics, HEC Paris

12.05 - 13.00: Lunch

13.00 - 13.10: The electrolyser route for effective sector coupling

Xavier d’Hubert, SR Consultant, XDH-energy

13.10 - 14.00: Interactive panel: Transitioning industry to carbon free hydrogen  

  • Investigating France’s approach to ‘hydrogen ecosystems’ and reducing costs by economies of scale

  • Debating distribution methods for hydrogen to ensure safe and low cost transfer

  • Creating the demand for hydrogen to become cost effective

  • Analysing hydrogen storage methods and new technologies

Marie Godard Pithon, Performance and Investment Director, Vicat Groupe
Cecilia Fouvry-Renzi,
Directrice H2 Energy, Air Liquide
Jean-Marc Leroy, Senior Vice President, Infrastructure, Engie
Xavier d’Hubert,
SR Consultant, XDH-energy

14.00 - 14.55: Interactive panel: Clearing the air: decarbonising the transport sector in France

  • Developing a national strategy to decarbonise buses, trains, heavy-duty vehicles and air-crafts by 2030

  • Analysing the infrastructure requirements for refueling stations  

  • Revealing the latest technology to transition vehicles

  • Shipping and hydrogen in France

Moderator: Blandine Landfried, Hydrogen Energy Project Manager, Groupe ADP
Olivier Menuet,
Senior Vice President, SNCF
Sandra Combet,
Director New Energies, AFKL Group
Ludovic Laffineur,
Policy Manager, Hydrogen Europe

14.55 - 15:15: The Euro GigafactorHy – Geopolitics of the French-German partnership

France and Germany have been accelerating the European Union’s uptake on hydrogen. Investigate what a partnership will look like and how it would work taking challenges such as disagreeing opinions on nuclear into consideration.

15.15 - 15.20: Q&A

Mikaa Mered, Adjunct Lecturer on Hydrogen Markets and Geopolitics, HEC Paris

15.20 - 16.00: Networking Tables

16.00: End of Conference

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