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Touching Hydrogen Future Book webinar

Webinar: Touching H2 Future - 2nd Edition Book Launch

Have you ever wondered how the hydrogen economy will shape our future in the years 2030 and 2040? If so, you’re not alone.

Energy writers from around the world have united their efforts to provide insightful perspectives on how hydrogen could revolutionize our lives.

To celebrate the launch of the 2nd Edition of the Touching Hydrogen Future Book we are pleased to invite you to a free 60 minute webinar with some of the esteemed expert chapter authors.

Join us as we journey across the World from China to Kazakhstan, Norway, Sweden and finally the USA, with a Q&A with 5 of our lead authors.


Erik Rakhou
Associate Director Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Initiator and co-editor of “Touching Hydrogen Future”

Dr Venera N. Anderson
Global Sustainability & Hydrogen Strategy Advisor

Anne-Sophie Corbeau
lobal Research Scholar
Center on Global Energy Policy

Sigrid Colnerud Granström
Climate Strategist, Infrastructure Department
Region of Stockholm

Catherine Banet
Professor in Energy Law
University of Oslo

Nadim Chaudhry
World Hydrogen Leaders

Joachim von Scheele
Global Director Commercialization

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6 September

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