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World Hydrogen Germany

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Germany’s National Hydrogen Strategy has now been released and reinforces previous commitments to climate and energy.

The strategy considers renewable hydrogen, produced via electrolysis from renewable electricity, as the sustainable long- term solution. Europe’s largest economy aims to lead the world in hydrogen technology and application and to achieve this the Strategy provides €7bn to roll out domestic production and create or reinforce the necessary value chains. An additional €2bn is set aside to establish international partnerships to import clean hydrogen for hydrogen production and import. Approximately 25 key international partnerships are being developed will need to be forged as it is expected that Germany will need to import the vast majority of it’s hydrogen.

Investment and collaboration opportunities will be described in detail and the World Hydrogen Leaders platform will host information about upcoming projects and how to get involved as Germany reaches for its ambitious targets.

30 September

World Hydrogen Regulation, Standards & Safety

28 October

World Hydrogen Large Scale Electrolysis