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Integrating Hydrogen with Renewable Power

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This course is a time-efficient and accessible examination of the factors that need to be considered when connecting hydrogen production to renewable power generation.

It addresses questions around capacity sizing, the value (or not) of flexible operation, electricity and hydrogen costs, and project deployment viability. It will cover both the direct integration of hydrogen production with dedicated renewable power, along with ‘virtual’ integration (buying renewable power through the grid).

Over three sessions, the course will explain the key technical, economic, policy and market considerations, illustrating key concepts with both market trend data and quantitative, Excel-based calculations and models.

Unlike many hydrogen-focused courses, this one will approach the subject very much from the renewable power producer’s perspective too; asking why, when and how it might make sense to consider integrating hydrogen production into new or existing renewable power projects.

Can’t attend live? Access all recordings and slides through the World Hydrogen Leaders platform with a premium membership.

Over three days you will…

  • Understand how issues such as renewable power ‘variability’ impact hydrogen production 

  • Compare and contrast different renewable power sources in the context of hydrogen integration

  • Assess how dedicated renewable power integration stacks up against ‘virtual’ options (power purchase agreements and/or grid power)

  • Analyse key metrics and calculations, to illustrate key conclusions and sensitivities

  • Understand how the value of renewable power is changing, and how this impacts the opportunities for integration with hydrogen

  • Learn which factors are key to determining relative capacity choices (e.g. renewable output vs. hydrogen production)

  • Discuss the options to go from variable electricity supply to steady hydrogen off-take

  • Assess the practical deployment and economic factors which developers will need to consider

Course Outline

Session 1: Hydrogen production and renewable power characteristics

Session 2: Sizing and planning green hydrogen projects with variable renewables

Session 3: Growing integrated hydrogen & renewable power projects


Session 1:  Hydrogen production and renewable power characteristics

Electrolyser systems, inputs and outputs

• How much hydrogen from how much electricity?

• The efficiency and other characteristics of current and emerging electrolysis technologies

• Electrolyser flexibility: what is it, and how much is needed?

• Balance of system components (upstream and downstream of electrolysis) and their electrical loads

• Other performance considerations, including stack degradation

Renewable power as an electrical input into electrolysis

• Assessing the various sources of renewable power and how they differ

• Quantifying ‘variability’: how much, how quickly and how often?

• Direct integration considerations (connection points, components and the grid)

• The pros and cons of direct vs. ‘virtual’ integration

• What do current deployments indicate about integration trends?

Session 2:  Sizing and planning green hydrogen projects with variable renewables

What size electrolyser for which renewable power capacity?

• Renewable resource variability and why there is no simple ‘ratio’ of electrolyser to renewable power capacity

• The importance of policy constraints and clean hydrogen definitions (e.g. temporal matching)

• Direct connections vs. power through the grid

• Hybrid projects (combining multiple renewable power sources)

• Balancing factors such as electrolyser load factor and renewable energy curtailment

Economic and other contracting factors in project integration

• A brief review of the cost structure of green hydrogen production

• Is there an optimum electrolyser size to produce least-cost hydrogen?

• Technology options and solutions to provide off-takers with steady hydrogen supply

• Sizing requirements for battery and/or hydrogen storage

•  Summarising the likely economic trade-offs in designing projects powered by variable sources of clean electricity


Session 3: Growing integrated hydrogen & renewable power projects

Viewing hydrogen integration from the power sector perspective

• Renewable power market trends, including cost trends of key sources

• Renewable power prices and value-creation (including auctions, market prices & corporate PPAs)

• Limits to scale and barriers to renewable capacity growth

•  The competitive landscape facing power purchasing for green hydrogen projects

•  The value of hydrogen integration to renewable energy developers and investors

The market and deployment landscape for renewable hydrogen

• Renewable hydrogen today, including the nature and scale of projects

• Examples of early deployments and future project proposals: (how) do they differ?

•  Policy mechanisms and influences

• The role of hydrogen in creating ‘flexible’ renewable power supplies

• Hydrogen / renewable power integration from an energy mix and ‘net zero’ perspective

Course Benefits:

  • Peer-to-peer networking: Join the World Hydrogen Leaders Hero group and meet all course attendees

  • It's Interactive: Q&A with your course leaders and a chance to network with other attendees

  • It's Complete: The different workshops cover both technology & real-world applications

  • No Travel: All workshops are delivered online, ideal for your new WFH office

  • Certificate: All attendees will receive a Certificate once they've completed the programme

Meet the trainer

Dr John Massey is Managing Director of Grey Cells Energy Ltd., where he conducts independent market assessment and opportunity/risk analysis for clean energy technologies. He delivers market briefings, oneto- one coaching and training courses worldwide, both online and in-person, along with strategy and business plan consulting to help companies (particularly SMEs) position themselves to best grasp new low-carbon market opportunities.

In addition to delivering training globally under his “Grey Cells Energy” brand, John is a co-founder of Astute New Energy, helping firms to navigate the changing power sector through business, strategy and stakeholder communication advisory work.

What Attendees Are Saying

The best part of the training was the level of engagement from the trainer; he was very clear in his explanations and was taking the time to answer all queries from trainees.
— Engineering Project Manager, SBM Offshore
Good discussions and coverage over three days, especially Day 2 on renewable energy economics. Very relevant in the field.
— Analyst, Green Hydrogen Organisation
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