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World Hydrogen USA

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The huge potential for hydrogen production, storage and transportation throughout the USA is endless with an extensive gas infrastructure already in place. The Biden administration has recognised hydrogen’s ‘integral role’ in meeting ambitious emission reduction targets and achieving the energy transition. What does the hydrogen landscape look like in the USA? Where are the opportunities? How is policy set to change over the next 5 years?

Join this event to discover how the world’s largest economy is investing in hydrogen and assess commercial opportunities in the country. Hear from federal and regional governments, regulators, project developers and hydrogen pilot pioneers as they share the opportunities and challenges facing the sector nationally.

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Gold Sponsor

Chart’s extensive experience in the design and supply of liquid hydrogen equipment from our developments in the LNG industry provide a full range of solutions for the use of hydrogen in transportation, including light & heavy duty vehicles, and marine applications. Chart is uniquely positioned to continue addressing the entire hydrogen value chain which includes hydrogen liquefaction plants, on-board liquid hydrogen storage tanks, bunkering systems and fuelling stations.


Dave Edwards.jpg

Dave Edwards

Director and Advocate for Hydrogen Energy
Air Liquide

Chris Leary.jpg

Chris Leary

Investment Partner
Orion Energy Partners

Brian Goldstein.jpg

Brian Goldstein

Executive Director
Energy Independence Now

Alessia Falsarone.jpg

Alessia Falsarone

Head of Sustainable Investing PineBridge Investments

Roy Bant.jpg

Roy Bant

Hydrogen Sale and Key Account Manager
Chart Industries

Karin Sung.jpg

Karin Sung

Senior Energy Analyst
California Public Utilities Commission

Rachel Fakhry.jpg

Rachel Fakhry

Climate and Clean Air, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Angelina Galiteva.jpg

Angelina Gaiteva

Chair of the Board of Governors, California Independent System Operator (CAISO), Founding Board President, Renewables 100 Policy Institute

Michael Green - please use this one.JPG

Michael Green

General Manager, Hydrogen Energy Initiatives
Arizona Public Service

Joe Kessler.jpg

Joseph Kessler

EVP & COO Utility Operations New York Power Authority

Michelle Detwiler BW.jpg

Michelle Detwiler

Executive Director
Renewable Hydrogen Alliance

Zach Lower.jpg

Zac Lowe

Southern Gas Company

Melanie Davidson.png

Melanie Davidson

Hydrogen and Commercial Development Manager
San Diego Gas & Electric

Jeff Pollack - bw.jpg

Jeff Pollack

Chief Strategy and Sustainability Officer
Port of Corpus Christi

John Lochner.jpg

John Lochner

Vice President, Innovation
New York State Energy and Research Authority (NYSERDA

Tyson Eckerle.jpg

Tyson Eckerle

Deputy Director, Zero Emission Vehicle Market Development California Governor's Office of Business & Economic Development (GOBiz)


Diane Moss

Founding Director
Renewables 100 Policy Institute

Janice Lin.jpg

Janice Lin

Founder and President
Green Hydrogen Coalition

Ali Amirali.jpg

Ali Amirali

Senior Vice President
Starwood Energy Group

lydia  li.jpg

Lydia Li

Climate Investor
Generate Capital

Bill Zobel.jpg

Bill Zobel

Executive Director
California Hydrogen Business Council

David Brown.jpg

David W. Brown

Senior Principal & Co-Founder Obsidian Renewables

Mathew Klippenstein.jpg

Matthew Klippenstein

Branch Manager, Hydrogen BC; Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (CHFCA) Regional Manager, Western Canada


All timings are listed in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)

10.00 EDT / 07.00 PDT - Scaling up hydrogen in the USA

  • Considering the infrastructure and technology required for large-scale projects

  • Where is the demand for clean hydrogen? How will this change/develop over the next 5/10 years?

  • Utilizing hydrogen to drive social equity and effectively communicating the benefits of clean hydrogen

Moderator: Melanie Davidson, Hydrogen and Commercial Development Manager, San Diego Gas & Electric

Dave Edwards, Director and Advocate for Hydrogen Energy, Air Liquide

Michael Green, General Manager, Hydrogen Energy Initiatives, Arizona Public Service

Michelle Detwiler, Executive Director, Renewable Hydrogen Alliance

Zac Lowe, Director, Southern Gas Company

11.00AM EDT / 08.00 PDT - Chart Industries Hydrogen Capabilities

  • Discovering hydrogen liquefaction and hydrogen liquid storage solutions

  • Case study: hydrogen for rail cars

  • Hydrogen products for heavy duty trucking

  • Exploring carbon capture for blue hydrogen

Roy Bant, Hydrogen Sale and Key Account Manager, Chart Industries

11.30 EDT / 08.30 PDT - Financing the energy transition to clean hydrogen

  • Where is the finance? What criteria is required to receive funding? Who is already investing?

  • Considering the opportunity for policy to increase investment opportunities

  • Deliberating potential challenges and risks

  • Managing the complex, highly merchant market to ensure ROI are received

Moderator: Alessia Falsarone, Head of Sustainable Investing, PineBridge Investments

Chris Leary, Investment Partner, Orion Energy Partners

Brian Goldstein, Executive Director, Energy Independence Now

Ali Amirali, Senior Vice President, Starwood Energy Group

Lydia Li, Climate Investor, Generate Capital

12.30 EDT / 09.30 PDT - Virtual Networking Break

North American Clean Hydrogen Activities Update: Challenges and Opportunities in US and Canada

Moderator: Diane Moss, Founding Director, Renewables 100 Policy Institute

Bill Zobel, Executive Director, California Hydrogen Business Council

Rachel Fakhry, Analyst, Climate and Clean Air, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Matthew Klippenstein, Branch Manager, Hydrogen BC; Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (CHFCA) Regional Manager, Western Canada

Angelina Gaiteva, Chair of the Board of Governors, California Independent System Operator (CAISO), Founding Board President, Renewables 100 Policy Institute

Fireside Chat: US State Policies Driving Hydrogen Innovation

Moderator: Diane Moss, Founding Director, Renewables 100 Policy Institute

Tyson Eckerle, Deputy Director, Zero Emission Vehicle Market Development, California Governor's Office of Business & Economic Development (GOBiz)

John Lochner, Vice President, Innovation, New York State Energy and Research Authority (NYSERDA)

15.30 EDT / 12.30 PDT

Case study: HyDeal

Janice Lin, Founder and President, Green Hydrogen Coalition

Case study: A Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub

David W. Brown, Senior Principal & Co-Founder, Obsidian Renewables

Case study: Brentwood Power Station

Joseph Kessler, EVP & COO Utility Operations, New York Power Authority

Case study: Port of Corpus Christi

Jeff Pollack, Chief Strategy and Sustainability Officer, Port of Corpus Christi

Cast study Q&A

Moderator: Karin Sung, Senior Energy Analyst, California Public Utilities

16.45 EDT/ 13.45 PDT - Close of conference

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25 August

World Hydrogen Finance & Investment

27 October

World Hydrogen Decarbonising the Gas Grids