A fundamental shift in how the gas industry operates, plans and designs its market is already in the making. As gas networks seek rapid solutions to achieving net-zero emissions, the associated costs and disruption are key concerns for all stakeholders involved. So what is the best pathway to redesigning and implementing a clean gas grid?
World Hydrogen Decarbonising the Gas Grid will gather TSOs from around the world to share their plans and priorities for future gas infrastructure. Discussions between transmission and distribution companies, storage, compressor and engineering firms will evaluate the industry's current opportunities and challenges.
Find out more about retrofitting costs and who will foot the bill for upgrades, where infrastructure for blended hydrogen with natural gas vs. pure hydrogen should be built and pathways for migrating industrial and residential markets to hydrogen.
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Lead Sponsor
We are a Swiss-based investment company dedicated to renewable energy. We identify, develop and deliver green energy assets. We are a driving force in the ongoing transition of the industry towards green energy being focused on the deployment of solar, wind and green hydrogen projects. We are committed to pursuing the potential of hydrogen and related technology as an ideal complement for utilizing and storing renewable energy.
Smartenergy, founded 2011, is headquartered in Wollerau, Switzerland. Beyond our team in Wollerau, we rely on our own local subsidiaries in all major markets in Europe. Local knowledge and proximity to industry stakeholders allow us to identify and secure opportunities at an early stage while creating synergies across the entire value chain.
Gold Sponsor
Baker Hughes is an energy technology company that provides solutions to energy and industrial customers worldwide. Built on a century of experience and with operations in over 120 countries, our innovative technologies and services are taking energy forward – making it safer, cleaner and more efficient for people and the planet.
Laura Sandys, CBE
Non-Executive Director SGN & Chair UK Energy Digitalisation Taskforce
Prof Catherine Banet
Associate Professor in Energy Law
University of Oslo
Alan Croes
Energy System Planning
Julie Pinel
Head of Hydrogen
Scott Dodd
Director of Business Development
Enbridge Gas Distribution
Takuto Kushi
Section Head Hydrogen and Carbon Management Technology Tokyo Gas
Daniel Muthmann
Head of Corporate Development Policy Strategy and Communication
Open Grid Europe
Nicolas Peugniez
Deputy Director for Strategy & Regulation
Michael Wagner
Deputy Director Gas Networks Price Controls and Hydrogen Strategy Ofgem
Danielle Stewart
Hydrogen Programme Manager
National Grid
Stine Grenaa Jensen
Director Green Systems
E.E. Lycklama à Nijeholt
Project Director Hydrogen Backbone Netherlands
Lex Huurdeman
Senior Oil & Gas Expert
The World Bank
Sara Piskor
Director - Strategy, Policy and Communications
Dirk Manske
Head of Regulatory Affairs and Energy Policy ONTRAS Gastransport
Christian Pho Duc
CTO & Managing Director H2 Projects
Simone Corbo
Hydrogen Platform Manager
Baker Hughes
Vikram Singh
Head of Hydrogen Development
Australian Gas Infrastructure Group
Roxana Caliminte
Deputy Secretary General
Nancy Sutley
Chief Sustainability Officer
LADWP (Los Angeles Department of Water & Power)
Béatrice Angleys
Project Manager Innovations
09:45 -11.00 CEST - Panel: The Regulatory Landscape of Hydrogen in the Gas Grids
Exploring the challenges for aligning hydrogen, natural gas, and electricity under the same
regulatory umbrella
Debating how cost mutualisation will affect the economics of hydrogen
What incentives and relaxations around regulations can help kickstart the hydrogen market?
Considering the regulatory frameworks for the storage and transportation of hydrogen
Anticipating the perspective from the EU, and other policymakers, around the
decarbonisation of the gas market
Laura Sandys CBE, Non-Executive Director, SGN & Chair, UK Energy Digitalisation Taskforce
Nicolas Peugniez, Deputy Director for Strategy & Regulation, GRTgaz
Dirk Manske, Head of Regulatory Affairs and Energy Policy, ONTRAS Gastransport
Prof Catherine Banet, Associate Professor in Energy Law, University of Oslo
Michael Wagner, Deputy Director, Gas Networks Price Controls and Hydrogen Strategy, Ofgem
Christian Pho Duc, CTO & Managing Director H2 Projects, Smartenergy
11:00 – 11.30 CEST - Building the H2 ecosystem with the support of the gas grid
The transformation of the gas network to become an H2 backbone
Chances of long-distance energy transport through H2
Options for how to use the injected gas
Experiences in the project development for gas grid injection
Christian Pho Duc, CTO & Managing Director H2 Projects, Smartenergy
11:30 – 12.30 CEST - Panel: The Role of Hydrogen within an Integrated Energy Market
What role will hydrogen play alongside other green technologies in decarbonising gas
Discussing the consistent, energy system planning needed between gas and electrical
DSOs, and the wider institutions
Considering the technical implications of blended and pure hydrogen on the existing gas networks, and the overall affect for the various end users
Evaluating the importance of the transparency and origin of hydrogen, whether green or
blue, and how this will impact the market
Examining the factors needed for hydrogen to thrive in a competitive and integrated
energy market
Sara Piskor, Director - Strategy, Policy and Communications, ENTSOG
Alan Croes, Energy System Planning, TenneT
Danielle Stewart, Hydrogen Programme Manager, National Grid
Simone Corbo, Hydrogen Platform Manager, Baker Hughes
Julie Pinel, Head of Hydrogen, GRDF
Stine Grenaa Jensen, Director Green Systems, Energinet
12:30 – 13:30 CEST - Virtual Networking Break
13:30 – 14.45 CEST - Case Studies + Q&A
Case Study: Hydrogen Park: Murray Valley
Vikram Singh, Head of Hydrogen Development, Australian Gas Infrastructure Group
Case Study: Markham Hydrogen Blending Project
Scott Dodd, Director of Business Development, Enbridge Gas Distribution
Case Study: Hydrogen Backbone / HyWay 27
E.E. Lycklama à Nijeholt, Project Director Hydrogen Backbone Netherlands, Gasunie
Q&A Session
Moderator: Béatrice Angleys, Project Manager Innovations, Thüga
14:45 – 15.45 CEST - Panel: Produce It or Buy It? The Question of Importing & Exporting Hydrogen to Decarbonise Networks
Debating the necessity of importing/exporting hydrogen and the impact this will have on
decarbonising gas networks & creating pure hydrogen networks
Comparing the cost considerations of importing hydrogen versus production and the
infrastructure/investment need
What are the considerations regarding the transparency and standardisation of hydrogen
imports from overseas?
Assessing new and emerging technologies that will impact where and how hydrogen is
transported & stored
Implications for the future role of RNG, LNG, and the transportation of hydrogen in
decarbonising the current gas infrastructure
Roxana Caliminte, Deputy Secretary General, GIE
Takuto Kushi, Section Head, Hydrogen and Carbon Management Technology, Tokyo Gas
Lex Huurdeman, Senior Oil & Gas Expert, The World Bank
Nancy Sutley, Chief Sustainability Officer, LADWP (Los Angeles Department of Water & Power)
Daniel Muthmann, Head of Corporate Development, Policy and Communication, Open Grid Europe
15.45 CEST - Close of Conference
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